About Us
WHo was Rummy?

When the voting was over, Rummy went to Hollywood. All of the finalists, including a St. Bernard and pit bull mix, stayed in a luxurious hotel in Beverly Hills – the Sofitel! October 12, 2007, at the Hollywood and Highland Mall, Californians got to meet the finalists and hear about the contest. The Purina spokesperson for that year was Emily Procter, (CSI Miami & West Wing), who had rescue dogs and supported animal rescue. Upon meeting Emily, Rummy kissed all of her make-up off. She just smiled. It was a genuine pleasure to meet her. Guess who won?

The Director of the 2007 Purina Pro Plan Rally to Rescue Contest, Ken Wilhelm, announced the winner………………………………..……RUMMY!!!
It was a surreal moment. It still is. As a dog rescuer, you put in many thankless hours and no one knows or cares. Backyard breeders and puppy mills breed dogs over and over.
Owners don’t get their dogs neutered or spayed. Shelters just keep euthanizing “throw away” dogs and cats of society. You have driven past them and know what I am talking about. Luckily, Rummy’s story did not end the way most street dogs’ lives end.
Husky Haven volunteers and Rummy worked hard to get votes, publicity and donations so they could rescue more Siberian Huskies. Thank You Purina for bringing needed attention to rescue dogs and the people who rescue them across America!

Rummy's Beach Club Story

About Lisa
For over 30 years, Lisa has volunteered her time and money to support a variety of organizations like Texas Litter Control, Husky Haven, Texas Alaskan Malamute Rescue, Corridor Rescue, Best Friends, SPCA, Humane Society, Texas Humane Legislation Network and many more.
A vegetarian since 2004, Lisa does not have human children - her rescue dogs are her babies and make her smile everyday. Rummy's was created for her dogs - old, handicapped, dog aggressive, fearful, reactive, escape artists, neglected, abused and toy driven. While Rummy, her blind Siberian Husky, inspired Rummy's Beach Club, all of her rescue dogs helped teach her how to create a safe, fun, private place for other dogs with issues to go and have fun with their owners.
There aren't many places you can go and have fun in a safe environment when you own a dog aggressive dog or a blind dog or an old unstable dog. At Rummy's Beach Club it is ALL about the dogs. You can bring any breed, any age, any dog here to have fun - except human aggressive dogs. Come & have fun in a private setting with your dogs. The more you come here with your dogs with issues, the less you will see those issues here. This becomes their second home and their confidence blossoms. It is so rewarding to watch and be a part of their growth.

Rummy's Beach Club Mission